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Bleeding Gum

Bleeding Gums

If you’re suffering from bleeding, swollen or irritated gums it is an indication you have early symptoms of gum disease also known as Gingivitis.

Gingivitis occurs when there is a build up of plaque on your teeth and along your gum lines, usually a result of bacteria in your mouth feeding on sugars and acids from your foods and drinks. The main cause of gum disease is poor oral hygiene.

Other symptoms of Gingivitis include:

  • bad breath
  • receding gum line
  • loose or wobbly teeth
  • pus around your teeth and gums


If ignored, Gingivitis can often lead to a more advanced stage known as Periodontitis. Periodontitis occurs when your gums begin to recede from your teeth and create pockets where the plaque continues to spread leading to infection.

This leads to bone damage and tooth loss.


Good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease.

We recommend regular brushing and flossing as well as reducing the amount of sugary and sweet foods you consume.

If you notice bleeding, swelling or irritated gums make an appointment with your dentist. A professional clean can remove the build up of plaque and prevent your gum disease from advancing.

We will also provide information and tips on preventative measures you can take, speak to us today.

Call us now on 9842 7700 or you can visit our clinic today at 2 Mitcham Rd, Donvale VIC 3111

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